Really Great Way to Be Right There!
This is so cool.
My husband’s children’s book, Welcome to Monster Isle, is now offered digitally on This is a great site with a super mission.
Anyone with a webcam can record him- or herself reading a book and send the link to loved ones, say a grandchild or family living stateside. There are even discounts for the brave men and women serving in the United States Armed Forces.
That child will then be able to see both the book fullscreen, page by page, and their loved one in a smaller screen reading it. Recipients can watch the reading over and over again, as many times as they want. Check out the site and especially the excellent demo!
What a great gift for those who want to be a regular part of a child’s life but find that distance gets in the way!
We love “Welcome to Monster Isle” and are grateful to have it within the A Story Before Bed library!
We spent this past Saturday at Ft. Lewis Army Base in Tacoma, WA, introducing military families with deployed parents to the service and passing out coupon codes for free recordings. Check out the pictures – it was a real hit. 🙂 Military families can sign up for free and discounted recordings at any time on the website.