God Awful Rebel by S. Acevedo


Hi, everybody!

Long time no talk, but I have a really great reason. I’ve been busy with beta readers and final edits, and I’m thrilled to announce that Cupid, the god of love, is returning in GOD AWFUL REBEL, the third and final book in the God Awful series of books! YAAAAAAYYYY!

Aaaaaand, here you have it! The cover reveal!

Sssssseriously ominoussss, don’t you think?

Here’s its beautiful jacket blurb:

God Awful Rebel by S. Acevedo - blurb

I am so thrilled to have finished this series, which was a big endeavor and personal goal. To have the series end so neatly and with such a satisfying ending, well, it brings a smile to my face just thinking about it.  And I really want to thank all you readers who’ve joined my book world and had such great things to say about it.

GOD AWFUL REBEL releases in March, but you can pre-order it here: http://www.threepointspublishing.com/product/god-awful-rebel-by-silvia-acevedo-hardcover/

And in honor of its release, the first two books in the series have a special price. It’s a great deal, so check it out, too: http://www.threepointspublishing.com/product/god-awful-loser-and-god-awful-thief-bundle/

My launch party for GOD AWFUL REBEL is scheduled for late March 2019. I’ll have the exact date soon and will let you know in another announcement. I hope to see many of you there! Until then, set your sights for a fun read at the end of March. Thanks, everyone!

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