Luncheon, Munchin’, ‘n Stumpin’ for Sojourner

Food is always a good idea. And it’s one thing to enjoy it with incredible people, new friends who share the same passions and humor as you and with whom you can see yourself spending many happy hours. It’s even more amazing when you get to help a worthy cause while doing it!


I got that chance this month when a friend — and a soon-to-be friend — invited me to their fourth annual Novel Cuisine Luncheon. What the heck is that, you ask? It’s a gathering of authors / librarians / teachers / book bloggers / booksellers. We donate books from our collections to a local charity in need of them, we talk about books, and we enjoy a fabulous meal based on foods mentioned in select titles. It was my first time going, and I am so blessed to have been a part of this!

Sojourner Milwaukee

First, just look at the piles of books collected to donate to Sojourner Family Peace Center! Sojourner’s tagline is “Peace is Possible.” Their goal is to help those impacted by domestic violence. And by help, I mean they are involved in the most desperate of times. They literally help women escape violent situations. They protect them in a hidden safe house. I personally know people who’ve benefitted from their help. When mothers run from violence, they so desperately want happiness for their kids, and books help. I couldn’t be more proud than to help in a tiny way by offering a moment of entertainment in trying times.

Hello? Author Liza Wiemer opened her home to about 20 of us. She and YA Book Blogger and Librarian Heidi Zweifel put together an incredible spread, thought up really fun games, and generally made themselves a holiday joy. Thanks so much to them for inviting me.

God Awful Loser Pizza

And look at this! My novel God Awful Loser was the basis for the lunch’s pizza fun! We made our own from ready-made dough and lots of fixin’s. YUM!

Author Melissa Gorzelanczyk handed out ARCs of her own Cupid-based novel, Arrows, and everyone even left with a few new reads of their own. It was a fantastic time, and I hope to continue the spirit of giving great reads in the years to come!

3 replies
  1. Lisa Gordee
    Lisa Gordee says:

    Hey there Silvia!

    What a wonderful event! Do you know if anyone can donate books or is it through a special contact? I didn’t see anything on their website. Also, are they only interested in teen/children’s books or would they accept adult-geared books too. I’ve a huge stack of Jodi Picoult books I was going to take to half price books, but if they can be put to better use…


  2. Silvia
    Silvia says:

    Hi, Lisa.

    Sojourner and the other charities that the group helps take all books, and it’s all very informal. Your timing is perfect, though, because I’ve decided to make this a project. I’m going to be putting out notice very soon that I’d like to collect as many books as possible for next year, so I’ll be asking my friends to donate their books to me to take to these charities. I know a lot of people would rather donate their books to a good cause than to go through the bother of taking them all to HPB. I’ll be putting out the details soon. But I can meet with you anytime. IM me on FB, okay? And thanks so much for asking, Lisa! 🙂

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